


Artist Statement: Chloe M.
Hometown: St. Louis, MO
Sobriety Date: June 13, 2011
Favorite Media: Drawing


  • Pencil on paper

  • Framed

  • 9 in x 11 in

Inspired. Imagined. Individual.

Joy – art brings me great happiness. The process of drawing, painting, or art, in general, are meditative to me­ and it’s a way to give back to others. Photography is magic. The experience of capturing a face, a soul, a moment on film, waiting, and then seeing it in print is magical. What inspires me in photography is the person I’m photographing. I don’t just take a portrait of someone. I want to capture them – their genius, an aspect of their essence. I love to make art for people. They inspire me. Imagining what they would like or how I want to communicate my love for them is motivating. Often, I create freely, without a plan, just for the enjoyment of watching the process of a piece unfolding as I create it.

In the simplest of terms, art is so individual. I don’t focus on what others will think. I make it. That’s what makes art so important.

A painting of a tree or a photo of a person can move someone and connect them to a feeling. This is a testament to our humanity. It depends on who is looking at it how they are moved. In a world that is increasingly full of negative messages and media, art is both an outlet and a source of joy.

Sometimes what I draw represents something with meaning to me, sometimes I just draw. Either way, I like to think of creating art as meditation and the art itself as little expressions of God. Art is a way to meditate and not just connect to God, but to be in communion with God.

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