I Am Responsible

I Am Responsible


Artist Statement: David B.
Hometown: St. Louis, MO
Sobriety Date: June 16, 2018
Favorite Media: Oil Paint


  • Spray Paint on Plywood

  • 50 in x 50 in

I Am Responsible

I was an artist before and during my active addiction. Now, I use artmaking as a therapeutic tool (along with many others) in my recovery program. I fell for the myth that artists needed to self-destruct and use drugs and alcohol to be truly creative and meaningful. I would use various substances to inspire ideas, finish complex projects, and become more spontaneous. Eventually, they began to interfere with my mental health and creative process, resulting in long stretches of nonproductivity, “blackout” paintings I couldn’t remember making, and cynical, uninspired work. In sobriety, I redefined my relationship with art and the creative process. Now, my work lifts me up and allows me to express more complex emotions and thoughts in healthy, creative ways.

My artwork is the result of intentional collaborations between the subconscious and conscious parts of my mind. First, I use automatic drawing, meditation, or dreams to generate a concept, a subject, and/or a composition for a new piece. Then the conscious mind refines the initial idea, chooses materials and techniques, and begins to depict it. My plans change throughout this process as the art materials influence my internal dialogue. This process results in works that often combine abstract and representational elements, creating surreal worlds that are both familiar and strange. I do not confine myself to a style or medium and let my art meander across artistic borders.

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