


Artist Statement: Emily M.
Hometown: St. Louis, MO
Sobriety Date: October 20, 2017
Favorite Medium: Music and Painting


  • Latex paint on plywood

  • Framed

  • 26 in x 32 in

Trial and Error

Since being sober I’ve had to find new things to make myself happy and to fill my time. Art has become a healthy void fill. I was never into art until Hope Creates. Music was my creative focus. Yet I find both music and art are forms of meditation. They help me get out of my head and focus on that one single thing I am doing at the moment. I don’t overthink what I’ll make. I see something, decide I like it, and experiment, allowing myself to focus and just “Be.”

Art’s fun – I like being creative. Being passionate about something positive is important because there are so many negative things in this world. Art is healthy for everyone. Getting out of my comfort zone in constructive ways helps me grow. Art pushes me to expand beyond my routine. Trying new things is the best way to figure out what I like, what works, and where I have areas of skill. Working with spray paint, acrylic paint, masking out white space, and trying another medium has been a great experiment. I don’t care about what others think about my work. It’s my art – for me, and art gives me
a sense of accomplishment from something that I have made. 

Nature is a consistent theme in my work. Being in nature makes me feel connected spiritually. Trees, leaves, plants, sunsets, spending time outside – all of nature grounds me spiritually. In the beginning of my sobriety I worked to figure out my Higher Power. I discovered God in everything, and enjoying nature is the easiest way for me to see God.

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