The Big Collaboration

The Big Collaboration


Artist Statement: Raina F.
Hometown: St. Louis, MO
Sobriety Date: December 17, 2019
Favorite Media: Music and Mixed Media

In The Moment

Creating music and art is a powerful outlet for me. This gives me a way to get emotions out instead of keeping them bottled up inside. Making art helps me get out of my head and stop thinking about myself.

Before sobriety art was important to me, but after getting sober it was even more important because I had more experiences and things to express. Simply, creating is fun. I love it! Now, expressing myself allows me to be in the moment, and that is huge. Art relaxes and grounds me. I explore diverse media. The process is always an adventure and experiment, and I let whatever comes to me flow.
It is a way to discover the inner workings of my brain.

My music reflects the things going on inside my head. I can allow my deepest thoughts to come out of me, instead of keeping it hidden within. Physical art is always different – each time something fresh manifests. It is important to me to continually explore different media and ways to make art, because it expands my artistic abilities.

Making art is key for everyone because it is a creative outlet. Some artists focus on expressing themselves, others focus on the world outside of themselves. Regardless, expressing yourself matters to our health and sanity. Personally, art helps me realize what I am capable of accomplishing. Seeing the artwork of others allows me insight into them and what they are dealing with in their lives. Awareness, insight, and acceptance all come from self-expression.

Artist Statement: Lucas G.
Hometown: St. Louis, MO
Sobriety Date: March 10, 2016
Favorite Media: Music


Most of my life I spent chasing anything to slow down my thought process or just stop it completely. Drugs and alcohol used to be the best solution I had, but now I have many alternative options. Expressing myself through my artwork in the Hope Creates community has been just as much fun as it has been a meditative process for me. to gratitude and the small things that I value in life. While working on this piece I was focused and relieved of my own disease. That’s why this is special to me.


  • Acrylic Paint on Canvas

  • Wrapped Canvas

  • 16 in x 16 in

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