Jelly Fish

Jelly Fish


Artist Statement: Erin M.
Hometown: St. Louis, MO
Sobriety Date: July 28, 2019
Favorite Media: Paint on Canvas


  • Acrylic Paint on Canvas

  • Wrapped Canvas

  • 36 in x 12 in

Being with like-minded people who want to create and support each other helps me feel that I am part of something bigger than myself. When I paint, it gives me an outlet for my feelings.  It allows me to express myself without having to use words, because sometimes it is hard to express myself in that moment. Making art allows me to discover parts of myself.

I’m a control freak, so when I start painting I like to just let it happen – not have a specific plan. It’s one of the few times I can be free, and not be self-conscious or inhibited by my thoughts. I’ve always made and loved art. It’s natural for me to create, and it’s always been my outlet. Generally, and certainly while I was using, I moved so fast in my life, and I was not in the present. Now, sober, I have a lot more patience. I am more able to be present and get back to the things I truly love doing.

I love the happiness and inspiration that art brings people, when they make art themselves or when they see someone else’s art. Artwork lets people project a part of themselves onto the piece. We see through our own perspectives and our interpretation is a direct imprint of what is in our head, made visible.

Nature always inspires me. I like to paint when it rains, and I only paint the natural world. Animals, plants, and the processes of nature fascinate me. Nature is made perfectly, the whole system, the plants and animals, are all an extension of the earth. This is not the way the world the human is right now. We face so much turmoil of our own creation. Often we have an agenda for ourselves and are trying to do more than just exist peacefully on earth and together. Nature can just be, yet most humans can’t. I find serenity when I can just be with nature, and allow it to be what it is – perfectly imperfect. Knowing nature is the true essence of living on earth. Nature is always connected. Every part works with the other. Reflecting the natural world through my art connects me to the earth and myself.

I can always tell if a piece of artwork I am working on is going to be good – right from the start I can feel the inspiration flowing or not flowing. I can be two very different people. If I am inspired, something comes through me, and I am free to express. Or, I can be distracted, busy, and impatient I get stuck. I don’t ever plan it. I am present and peaceful. Responsive not reactive.

It is a way to express themselves or a message, it also has the ability when viewed don’t see it the same way. It brings a lot of joy to the world. It connects people.

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