The Heart of the Star

The Heart of the Star
By Star
Acrylic Paint on Canvas
Framed Print Reproduction
20 in x 16 in
Artist Statement
My art represents my feelings and what I’ve been through. It communicates the importance of being yourself because life is short. My thought process while I was creating my guitar art was new for me. Even when times are hard, you just have to keep going. Things will eventually get better.
Learning music in this class has taught me to talk about life differently, even when no one else understands me. It helps motivate me to be a better person. Playing the guitar helps center my emotions. Getting to know how music flows through the chords and notes has helped me understand it better.
I get excited about using my own hands to create art. I enjoy using different colors to express how I’m feeling.
Art and music can help you mentally. They can help you find yourself and inner peace. They help me cope with the day-to-day stresses of life.
From the beginning of this class until now, I have learned how to pause and think before I act. It helped me realize that I’m more than my struggles. I now know I’m a person of value. I know my worth.