Hope Creates is Happy to Present…
The Third Annual Gala, a Celebration of Sobriety and Creativity!
Coming together as a community is more important than ever.
Connection is the opposite of addiction.
Gala 2022 is our main fundraising event for the year. It is a wonderful way to learn more about recovery and our unique programs that keep our young people sober through the expressive arts. The event is also a great way to show your support for our community of caring and compassionate people who recognize that addiction and alcoholism is a national problem that urgently needs to be addressed.
The Luncheon on April 24th and our Gala Program will be held in the wonderful 612 North Event Space, overlooking Gateway Arch Park. We begin at 1 PM. This will be an in-person event with speakers, presentations, live music, art for sale, and lots of fun ... all to benefit Hope Creates programs and projects. Jeffrey Small, host of our Virtual Gala 2021, will be our emcee.
A silent auction will be part of the festivities.
The dress code is business casual.
Parking with security will be provided.