Ashley B.

Position: Board member
Sobriety Date: 07.10.17
Hometown: Kansas City, MO
Favorite Media: Sculpture

I am now excited to use my art for spreading awareness and positivity.

Artist Statement

I am a wire sculpture artist based out of the Kansas City area. I have been clean since July 10, 2017. Art has been the best way for me to express my past, present, and future self as a young person in recovery. I base my art around trauma work. While I was using, I experienced lots of trauma. I have learned how to work through my trauma by making art. I focus on specific traumatic experiences, inner child work, reparenting, and recovery when creating my art. I like to work with wire because it is a versatile medium.

I interpret wire as a physical medium that is strong, flexible, malleable, and adaptable – all qualities I define myself as a young person in recovery. Art hasn’t always been a coping mechanism for me, due to insecurities I had about my art while growing up. My insecurities were created when teachers and therapists declared my art as “terrible,” and encouraged me to “give up and find a new path”. Gratefully, I chose to not listen to them and kept practicing. I am now excited to use my art for spreading awareness and positivity. When observing my art, keep in mind that art is more than the physical piece presented to you. Art provokes a response. Art is also the emotions you feel as the viewer and the emotional process I went through while making it.