Hope Creates
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Join Our Tribe of Sober Artists. Designers. Painters. Musicians. Photographers. Dancers.

Getting sober is difficult.
Staying sober is equally challenging.

We focus on helping you stay sober by providing a vibrant and sober creative community that comes together to have exhilarating fun as we create and exhibit our work. If you are in recovery, we invite you and your family to join us.

Our Mission

Hope Creates empowers youth and adults in recovery from, or at risk of, Substance Use Disorder to stay sober by engaging in the expressive arts and a vibrant and creative sober community.

Hope is the Seed that Sparks the Desire to Create Something Better


Meet Our Team

Our team supports young recovering artists in their sobriety and creativity through the governance of Hope Creates. Meet the Hope Creates executive director and board members who currently serve our community.

Executive Committee

Board Members




You can make a difference by joining our tribe of young, sober artists. Creation is the opposite of self-destruction; positive self-expression builds self-confidence and self-esteem.


Youth and adults in recovery from Substance Use Disorder can thrive when they have the opportunity to challenge their creative abilities in a safe and nurturing environment. Come be a part of our community.

Give Today

Give the gift of hope through the arts. Empower artists in recovery from Substance Use Disorder by donating to Hope Creates.

Young Sober artists participate in painting event with Hope Creates

We are Grateful for Our Partners!








Argent Capital Management

Moneta Group

Cajun Eats, Seasonings and Sauces LLC


Lillian Curlett

Aaron Perlut

Gayle Rose and Keith Haddrill

Lynn Harmon

Gussie Klorer

Blueprint Coffee

Gateway Disposal

Ross Family Foundation

ARCHway Institute

Let's Build Hope

The School District of Clayton

Missouri State Medical Association Alliance

Mike and Kelley Nieman

Thomas Scott


Jim and Judith Kiske

Melinda Love

Michael McCarthy

Roger Nelson

April Nervig

Tia Newcom

Jeffery Randle

David Reifschneider

Bill and Margaret Rowe

Ryan Thompson

Mark Witzling and Janice Roberg

Nivine Woods

Jet Setters

Chestnut Health Systems

U.S. Bank

Andy Ament

Gregg Budenaers

Robert and Becky Bullivant

Mike Butz

Marty Chapo

Jared Dirkmaat

Matt Frauenhoffer

Larry and Rachelle Guess